
Blockchain technology and NFTs allow users to own game assets for the first time in video game history. Players can now earn valuable assets and trade them as they please. Consider the countless hours spent improving a video game character... In today’s scenario, this could potentially hold significant value.

Evolving Assets

MetaSoccer assets improve as they're used. Their skills grow until they reach their peak. Like real life, game characters age and eventually retire. A year in MetaSoccer equals a real-life month, so a character's lifespan typically lasts 20 to 30 months. This helps limit character overpopulation and adds realism. Eventually, some assets will take on new roles after their initial career ends.

In MetaSoccer, players and scouts are assets. Youth Scouts in MetaSoccer are essential for introducing new players into the game. Scouts have unique skills and attributes, including age, club affiliation, and expertise in player roles and special abilities. Some scouts also possess special skills that enhance their performance, such as motivational leadership or scouting expertise. The knowledge of a scout, divided into defending, attacking, goalkeeping, physical, and mental, impacts the characteristics of the players they discover. Scouts improve their knowledge skills after each scouting activity by earning Knowledge Tokens.

On the other hand, players, directly influence the success of the team. Their attributes and abilities, both fixed and variable, along with their special skills, create a dynamic and realistic gaming environment.